IFReviewed by
Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 08:34
This would be the "magic fantasy forest" genre. You are attempting to find the ingredients for a pizza.
The game is, on the whole, badly constructed. I think the combination of strictly timed sequences and inventory limits is about the most annoying design mistake you can make. So after a few minutes of getting killed by the gravedigger, I switched to the walkthrough and didn't look back. Unfortunately, this didn't help, since the dragon seems to want to fry me before I can follow the commands in the walkthrough. I must consider this game unsolvable.
I can comment on the part of it I saw, though, and my main comment is "Don't do that." Puzzles based on puns are not a good idea. Let's talk about "mimesis" here for a minute. Better yet, let's not.