Some people have so much respect for their superiors they have none left for themselves.
Peter McArthur

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I would like to thank the following persons for sending usefull information/bug reports. (in no particular order):

Matthew Clark (EamonNag WebMaster), Greg Boettcher, Peter Mattssons, David Whyld, A Ninny, and of course all the anonymous Beta-Testers!

Thanks also to everyone that sent an email without saying their names (which are quite few... you silly you) ;)

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2024-09-11 00:09

IFReviews Dictionary

- To walk; to move about.

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| 10 IFReviews Overall Rating 9 IFReviews Overall Rating 8 IFReviews Overall Rating 7 IFReviews Overall Rating 6 IFReviews Overall Rating 5 IFReviews Overall Rating 4 IFReviews Overall Rating 3 IFReviews Overall Rating 2 IFReviews Overall Rating 1 IFReviews Overall Rating 

    2 Stars IFR Overall Rating

      +=3 - A Controversial but Nevertheless Logical Adventure IFReviewed by Victor Gijsbers on 2008-05-29 at 03:07
      Hello Sword IFReviewed by Sam Kabo Ashwell on 2007-08-27 at 02:43
      On the Cross IFReviewed by Sam Kabo Ashwell on 2007-08-27 at 01:57
      The Homework of Little Carl Gauss IFReviewed by Sam Kabo Ashwell on 2007-08-27 at 01:47
      Trainstopping IFReviewed by Sam Kabo Ashwell on 2007-08-27 at 01:22
      Jack in the Box IFReviewed by Sam Kabo Ashwell on 2007-08-27 at 01:12
      Three Princes IFReviewed by Sam Kabo Ashwell on 2007-08-27 at 01:08
      Ballymun Adventure IFReviewed by David Whyld on 2006-11-19 at 11:13
      Beam IFReviewed by David Whyld on 2006-11-19 at 11:12
      Unforgotten IFReviewed by James Mitchelhi on 2006-10-16 at 06:00
      Ogres IFReviewed by Emily Short on 2006-08-01 at 08:32
      Bedlam IFReviewed by Emily Short on 2006-08-01 at 04:58
      little girl in the big world IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-21 at 06:24
      Hercules First Labor IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-21 at 06:19
      Amnesia IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-21 at 06:17
      Terrible Lizards IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-21 at 05:16
      Mystery Manor IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-20 at 10:05
      Lovesong IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-20 at 10:04
      The Test IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-20 at 10:02
      The Last Just Cause IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-20 at 09:40
      Invasion of the Angora-fetish Transvestites from the Graveyards of Jupiter IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-20 at 09:29
      Escape from Crulistan IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-20 at 08:57
      Futz Mutz IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-19 at 08:36
      The Commute IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-19 at 06:24
      Pintown IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-17 at 06:07
      Curse of Eldor IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-17 at 05:34
      My First Stupid Game IFReviewed by Paul OBrian on 2006-07-17 at 05:24
      Outsided IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-07-01 at 04:55
      Jarod's Journey IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 10:29
      Unnkulia X: Escape of the Sacrificed IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 10:26
      Prodly the Puffin IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 10:25
      Schroedinger's Cat IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 10:02
      Jump IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 10:00
      Stick It to the Man IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 09:55
      Fine Tuned IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 09:54
      Ramon and Jonathan IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 09:40
      A Light's Tale IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 09:29
      PTBAD 3 IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 09:24
      Zero One IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 09:21
      Stack Overflow IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 09:18
      Human Resources Stories IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 09:01
      Lightiania IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 08:58
      Aunt Nancy's House IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 08:35
      CASK IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 08:35
      Rippled Flesh IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 07:55
      Of Forms Unknown IFReviewed by Andrew Plotkin on 2006-06-25 at 07:54
      Get Magazine. Open Magazine. Read Article. IFReviewed by Greg Boettcher on 2006-05-22 at 09:00
      The Gate IFReviewed by Greg Boettcher on 2006-05-22 at 08:57
      Space War! ...and the PDP-1 IFReviewed by Greg Boettcher on 2006-05-22 at 08:30
      Attempted Assassination IFReviewed by Greg Boettcher on 2006-05-22 at 08:26
      Wizards Playground IFReviewed by Greg Boettcher on 2006-05-22 at 08:25
      Things that Don't Exist IFReviewed by Greg Boettcher on 2006-05-22 at 08:22
      Sagamore IFReviewed by Tom Zuchowski on 2006-05-14 at 10:20
      B I Z A R R O IFReviewed by Tom Zuchowski on 2006-05-14 at 10:08
      Count Dracula's Castle IFReviewed by Tom Zuchowski on 2006-05-14 at 10:00
      The Sword Of Malice IFReviewed by Timofei Shatrov on 2006-05-14 at 01:17
      Star Wars-Tempest One IFReviewed by Tom Zuchowski on 2006-05-13 at 10:37
      The Ruins of Belfast IFReviewed by Tom Zuchowski on 2006-05-13 at 10:28
      Batman!! IFReviewed by Tom Zuchowski on 2006-05-13 at 10:26
      The Alien Intruder IFReviewed by Philip Moore on 2006-05-13 at 10:15
      Shippe of Fooles IFReviewed by Tom Zuchowski on 2006-05-13 at 10:14
      Neon Nirvana IFReviewed by Timofei Shatrov on 2006-05-13 at 01:04
      Amissville II IFReviewed by Timofei Shatrov on 2006-05-13 at 01:00
      Operation Crab Key IFReviewed by Bob Davis on 2006-05-06 at 11:41
      House of Ill Repute IFReviewed by Tom Zuchowski on 2006-05-06 at 08:10
      The Lost World IFReviewed by Tom Zuchowski on 2006-05-06 at 01:46
      The Eamon Railroad IFReviewed by Tom Zuchowski on 2006-05-06 at 01:43
      Ground Zero IFReviewed by Tom Zuchowski on 2006-05-06 at 01:42
      Authority IFReviewed by Dan Shiovitz on 2005-05-09 at 10:11