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Special Thanks Go To
I would like to thank the following persons for sending usefull information/bug reports. (in no particular order):
Matthew Clark (EamonNag WebMaster), Greg Boettcher, Peter Mattssons, David Whyld, A Ninny, and of course all the anonymous Beta-Testers!
Thanks also to everyone that sent an email without saying their names (which are quite few... you silly you) ;)
IFReviews Dictionary
- An organized living being endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion, and also characterized by taking its food into an internal cavity or stomach for digestion; by giving carbonic acid to the air and taking oxygen in the process of respiration; and by increasing in motive power or active aggressive force with progress to maturity.
- One of the lower animals; a brute or beast, as distinguished from man; as, men and animals.
- Of or relating to animals; as, animal functions.
- Pertaining to the merely sentient part of a creature, as distinguished from the intellectual, rational, or spiritual part; as, the animal passions or appetites.
- Consisting of the flesh of animals; as, animal food.