Representing Australia as an Olympian at Barcelona in 1992 and Atlanta 1996 were the proudest moments of my sporting career.
Michael Diamond

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Special Thanks Go To

I would like to thank the following persons for sending usefull information/bug reports. (in no particular order):

Matthew Clark (EamonNag WebMaster), Greg Boettcher, Peter Mattssons, David Whyld, A Ninny, and of course all the anonymous Beta-Testers!

Thanks also to everyone that sent an email without saying their names (which are quite few... you silly you) ;)

Server Date & Time

2024-04-16 08:25

IFReviews Dictionary

- One who contends with another, especially in combat; an adversary; an opponent.
- A muscle which acts in opposition to another; as a flexor, which bends a part, is the antagonist of an extensor, which extends it.
- A medicine which opposes the action of another medicine or of a poison when absorbed into the blood or tissues.
- Antagonistic; opposing; counteracting; as, antagonist schools of philosophy.

The Challenge

    Jack A. Lockerby


    Authoring System
    Spectrum and PAWS

    Release Year