It may be a cold, clammy thing to say, but those that treat friendship the same as any other selfishness seem to get the most out of it.
Edgar Watson Howe

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Special Thanks Go To

I would like to thank the following persons for sending usefull information/bug reports. (in no particular order):

Matthew Clark (EamonNag WebMaster), Greg Boettcher, Peter Mattssons, David Whyld, A Ninny, and of course all the anonymous Beta-Testers!

Thanks also to everyone that sent an email without saying their names (which are quite few... you silly you) ;)

Server Date & Time

2024-12-06 00:33

IFReviews Dictionary

- To put or bring into credit; to invest with credit or authority; to sanction.
- To send with letters credential, as an ambassador, envoy, or diplomatic agent; to authorize, as a messenger or delegate.
- To believe; to credit; to put trust in.
- To credit; to vouch for or consider (some one) as doing something, or (something) as belonging to some one.

King Arthur's Night Out

    Mikko Vuorinen


    Authoring System

    Release Year

    IFR Overall Rating
    5 Stars IFR Overall Rating


    7 Stars IFReview Rating 2006-07-19 07:37 Paul OBrian
    2 Stars IFReview Rating 2006-07-01 04:52 Andrew Plotkin